Find your fire within.



Sōl is dedicated to keeping our Staff and our Students safe during the ongoing pandemic.

SōL has adopted protocols set forth by the CDC and State Gov. COVID guidelines and has also implemented other safety measures for the studio.

ALL students must abide by the State guidelines regarding potential infection:
If any of the following apply to you, PLEASE do not enter the studio.

1. Any current symptoms of Covid, or a fever of over 100.4 degrees.
2. Any close contact in the last 10 days with someone suspected or confirmed to have had Covid-19.
3. Traveled internationally, or been on a cruise ship in the last 10 days.

Here is a list of our protocols:

  • Due to the pandemic Sōl will limit the number of students allowed in the studio at any given time.
  • All classes require online pre-registration to ensure class numbers are regulated.
  • The doors to the studio will open 15 minutes before class begins, and will be locked again at the beginning of each class.
  • Upon arrival and entry to the Studio, all Staff and Students must be wearing a mask, and continue to do so until you are set up and on your mat.
  • Once on your mat you may remove your mask for the duration of your practice if you’d like.
  • Masks must be worn ANY TIME you are not on your mat!
  • Upon check in at the desk ,students will use the provided hand sanitizing station and enter the practice space.
  • In the practice space you will see numbered stickers on the floor along with a spray bottle of sanitizer. Place the center of your mat on a chosen sticker. These stickers are spaced 6 feet apart  to help ensure safe distancing. The spray bottle of sanitizer are for spraying your mat and hands at the end of class and any props you may use.
  • The studio employs medical grade air filtration units with HEPA filters rated to filter and destroy air born pathogens for added safety.
  • All bathrooms will have hand sanitizer and paper towels.
  • After each class, Sōl employees will disinfect all communal surfaces, floors and props for your protection.

We have created a video for our sister studio Bending Bodhi Yoga that outlines some of our guidelines to help us all stay safe.

Feel free to view that video here… Covid Protocol Video

Thank you all for your support of the studio, and the adherence of these protocols to ensure we all have a safe practice, and a healthy life.

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+1 (603)395-9069
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1 Webb Place Dover, NH
© Copyright Sōl Yoga NH